Wednesday, 4 March 2020

2020 Audience Awards

In true style, the KFF audience asserted its independence by choosing The Personal History of David Copperfield as its favourite feature film, ahead of big hitters like Parasite and Portrait of a Lady on Fire – and who could argue with such a joyous choice?

The Festival always throws up surprises and Amanda and No Fathers in Kashmir were unexpected pleasures – the latter made more so by the arrival of its star Zara La Peta Webb, along with her family.

The audience did however follow convention in selecting For Sama as the best documentary, with a stunning score of 96.88% - our highest ever score.

Audience Awards – Feature Films

Audience Awards – Documentaries

Monday, 2 March 2020

2020 Osprey Short Film Award Winners

More than 100 people came along to the Alhambra on Saturday afternoon to watch a selection of short films. Directors Richard Heap and Mike Tweddle, whose films opened the festival on Thursday evening, handed out the prizes.

The audience selected CROSS by Gillian Harker for the Audience Award and the Judges awarded their prizes to LEARNER by the Signal Film and Media BFI Film Academy group in the Student category and A PINK CHRISTMAS by Adam Ibbotson in the Open category.

Many thanks to all who came along and to the film makers for creating an amazing selection of films.

Film Club Continues on Sunday with The Third Wife

The Festival may be over but Keswick Film Club has four more films coming up every Sunday evening until the end of March.

The Third Wife - Sunday 8th March 5pm
A Hidden Life - Sunday 15th March 4:30pm
Bacura - Sunday 22nd March 5pm
The Truth - Sunday 29th March 5pm

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Sunday at Keswick Film Festival

It's the last day of the Festival but there's still plenty to enjoy including Sight & Sound's first and fifth best films of 2019 (although you will have to choose between them) and a preview of Roger Michell's Blackbird starring Susan Sarandon, Kate Winslet and Mia Wasikowska.